Wednesday, June 26

Making a Little Bed by the Shed

When you look at our little shed all you see is the mildew creeping up the side and a few ratty tools and decorations.  Blah.

There used to be a little flower bed on the north side of the shed, but I forgot to water it during the long, hot Richmond summers.  Wonder if the soil is still rich after all these years; probably full of tree roots.
Still a little improved soil left from a few years ago when I added topsoil and compost.  Looks pretty clay-ish after you dig down a few inches, though.

Good thing we have mountains of rotted leaves out near the woods.  If I can avoid startling the copperheads who like to lay their eggs deep in the nice, warm leaves I'll have some good amendments for the soil.
These whittled-down hostas were formerly on the north side of the house, where bunnies and deer love to graze at night.  Tonight the critters will be wondering where their treats have gone.

Mix up the soil and the leaf compost, add the hostas and water and wait for them to thrive in the north-facing, shaded bed by the shed.
If you look closely you'll see fencing stretched over the top and side of the bed.  You don't really think I trust the deer to keep away, do you?