What do you need in your LifeSpace? Whether it's a lot or a little, join me in creating a personal LifeSpace that allows you to use your home or workplace as a tool for achieving what's truly important to you.
Sunday, April 29
Recent Victories from our Group Members
Online Coaching Feedback—Tips and Victories
4/30/07 from Megan:
I started with one corner of my living room--it had become cluttered with random stuff, including a stuffed 'Chick-fil-a' cow! I started with that one corner...and was inspired enough to keep going. I moved into my office...and became wary. I started with one corner there (the tax box corner). My desk is still a mess, but one corner is actually clean, so it's a start!
4/28/07 from Karen:
Today I planned to remove non-essential items belonging to me from our shared home office. Even before I started, my Broker announced that he would be willing to work on streamlining papers for a little while this evening. When he came back later to the home office, I had cleared out my items and he declared, "Well, it looks better already." My heart dropped for a second, thinking that there would be no more clean-up today. Thankfully, he sat down and started trashing non-essential papers. It ain't perfect, but it's a whole lot better now. The best part is--I didn't mention my plans to my Broker and he worked on it of his own accord. I've included some before and after photos.
4/26/07 from Catherine:
"I got the desk done, along with other stuff and I put everything that should be on the baker's rack, there ...I have decided that only dog food (???), gardening stuff and chicken decorations can be there... I think that I have developed adult-onset ADHD...I go from one thing to another, but somehow it still works for me."
4/26/07 from Leslie:
I have three areas that are really messy in my house right now. My bedroom, my hobby room, and my desk. Today I started with the desk.
I picked the top of a pull out surface on my desk to clear off. It was probably 12 inches high with paper. I have to say that I dealt with 90% of it and then got frustrated and shoved a few papers to another spot that will need cleaning up soon for me to get the desk area dealt with. I'm sure that's cheating but the spot that's clean looks beautiful and will really encourage me to get to the other areas .